Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the Disarmament & International Security Committee, also known as DISEC. My

name is Tarunyaa Sivakumar and I will be your chair for UPMUNC 56. Coleman and I have

been looking forward to this weekend for ages and we hope that you’re as excited as we are.

A bit about me: I’m a junior in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Penn,

studying Electrical Engineering with a hopeful minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship. On

campus, I’m involved in a nanorobotics research lab at the Singh Center of Nanotechnology as

well as the astronomy club. I also work on the executive team of TEDxPenn and attend

conferences as part of Penn’s Intercollegiate Model UN Travelling Team. Outside of academics,

I enjoy attending concerts, watching anime, long walks, and philosophical conversations with

friends. Personally, pursuing Model UN during college has been like a breath of fresh air. We

hope that DISEC is the same for you!

We aspire to foster an environment that’s the perfect combination of relaxed and stimulating.

After all, Model UN is the best way for students to strengthen their knowledge not only about the

external world but also about themselves. Navigating geopolitical happenings and interpersonal

dynamics at the same time is definitely rewarding. We hope that DISEC enables exactly that.

Have a wonderful weekend at UPMUNC 65, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with

questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

Tarunyaa, DISEC