Conference Policies
Conference Rules
Laptop Policies and Pre-Written Resolutions
A main goal of Model United Nations is to achieve consensus and formulate policy through debate. For this reason, UPMUNC does not permit the introduction of pre-written resolutions. Dais staffs have been trained to recognize resolutions written prior to conference and these will not be accepted. In order to prevent the introduction of pre-written resolutions and to encourage participation by all delegates, UPMUNC prohibits the use of laptop computers inside of the committee room, even during unmoderated caucus. Laptops, however, may be used outside of the committee room and maybe used to type working papers and resolutions. UPMUNC staff will also be available to type, print, and photocopy all approved resolutions.
Position Papers
UPMUNC does not require delegates to write position papers prior to conference, and position papers do not have any influence on award decisions at the end of conference. However, if delegates feel inclined to write a position paper, they may hand it to the dais at the beginning of the first session.
Head Delegate and Faculty Advisor Meetings
On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night, the Secretary-General, the Director-General, and the Under-Secretaries-General will meet with Head Delegates and Faculty Advisors for a period of forty-five to sixty minutes. The first portion of these short meetings is mandatory; this portion will feature important handouts, announcements, reminders, and updates. The latter part of these meetings is optional but is an excellent opportunity for the Advisors and Head Delegates to voice any concerns, complaints, and compliments they (and/or their delegates) may have.
Identification Badges
Upon registration, each participant will receive a badge bearing his or her name, committee information, and school identification. Schools that did not submit online badge requests will be able to request badges upon arrival. Badges must be worn in committee, within the hotel as identification, and as entrance passes to conference activities. For security reasons, we cannot allow persons without badges to take part in any conference function.
ID Badge and Placard Replacement
If a delegate loses his or her badge, a replacement badge will be issued at the cost of $10. If a delegate loses his or her placard, the delegate(s) will be responsible for a $15 replacement charge. Badge and placard replacement requests can be made to your USG or outside of Freedom Ballroom.
Alcohol and Illegal Substances
Any UPMUNC participants discovered to be in the unlawful possession of narcotic drugs or alcohol, either in their rooms or elsewhere in the hotel, will be severely reprimanded by the proper authorities and hotel security. Hotel security will not only confiscate such contraband, but will evict the delegate's entire school from the hotel. All staff members will do their utmost to ensure that any violations of this policy are dealt with. All UPMUNC staff members are empowered to take possession of the alcohol of underage UPMUNC delegates and guests.
Safety and Security at UPMUNC
Although Philadelphia is a beautiful and historically rich city, it is nonetheless an urban community. Standard safety precautions should always be taken when traveling throughout the city: please travel in groups and exercise appropriate behavior at night. While in the hotel, it is imperative to maintain a high level of decorum and quiet. To this end, UPMUNC will conduct security watches on delegate floors and in elevators. UPMUNC security exists to compliment the hotel's security staff and to keep schools from being evicted from the premises. UPMUNC security staff are trained to be respectful of delegates at all times; we request that delegates reciprocate.
Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment
UPMUNC maintains a strict zero tolerance policy regarding sexual harassment of any nature. All cases of sexual harassment, whether involving a delegate or a staffer, will warrant immediate investigation and potential dismissal from conference. All conference staffers and delegates should approach anyone on the UPMUNC Secretariat concerning instances of sexual harassment.